Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 7 & 8 At Sea heading for Bali

Darwin is on the fringe of Asia; we now sail on to what Australians may consider as the centre of Asia, Bali.

To set the scene, I am sitting in the Deck 5 Atrium coffee shop; the ocean is rushing past the water level bay windows; the 4-piece string quartet is amazingly, and beautifully, playing Elvis pop songs, and a loud American woman is sitting nearby telling all listeners that she isn’t going in to Paris, as it is full of “coloured people”. I think her accent is southern or at least her attitude is… otherwise a picture of relaxation.

Some days you leave your suite in the morning and don’t see it again until you return to dress for dinner, as you should. It is busier on the boat than a day at work so I thought I would share with you my typical day onboard. Some activities are focussed on engaging peoples’ personal hobbies but it has been fun having a go at new things.

6am – Run/walk/sweat on deck for 45 minutes (it’s now 35 degrees on deck)
7am – Gym for 30 minutes then quick shower. Ensure laundry bag ready for Steward before leaving suite. Formal Dinner tonight so leave out Tuxedo for pressing and shoes for cleaning.
7.30am – Breakfast – 4 courses
9am – Health Seminar – take control of your body, I might as well start!
10am – Line dancing lessons (getting ready for western night). I left early to jump into morning tea.
10.45am – Morning tea, only one plate of friandes today
11am  - Next Destination Seminar about what to do in the next port
12.00 – Margarita lesson and tasting
12.30pm – Lunch of 6 courses
1pm – Scrabble Challenge. I am in the top fifty so far but weakening. The Americans insist on challenging everything, crikey we’re on holidays.
2pm – Jackpot Bingo currently at $5000.00. I missed this as I was protecting my top 50 status at Scrabble.
2pm – Holy Rosary recited, not my cup of tea.
2pm – Passenger Choir Practice, wailing cats at midnight more like.
2pm – Deck Cricket, it’s a bit hot so I passed.
2pm – Ballroom Dancing Pasa Doble practice for the Grand Ball in a few days. I made the last half hour and caught up.
3pm – Car Racing on the big, big, big screen on deck. I am fourth highest score. The ships crew plug a PS3 games machine into the huge screen and we play PC games, YEAH!
3pm Diamonds of Russia lecture and discount purchasing. I passed on car racing today for this.
3pm Beginners Bridge lessons – I went the first time and found out that nearly everyone on board are Bridge Olympic Champions and only went to learn each others secret signals for team games. I was out of my league here so back to car racing.
3pm – Dr Bob Meeting (daily). It’s an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting timed to occur just before sunset Martinis’. They won’t catch me that easily…
3.30pm Afternoon Tea – now to make up for the cakes I missed this morning. Strangely, there is also a meeting of the “Ladies of the Red Hat Society” during afternoon tea. I could not pick any common trait or behaviour that shed any light on why red hated ladies seek solace with each other, and they weren’t wearing red hats. More on this later when I work it out.
4pm – Mah-jong Tournament with cash prizes
4pm – Central Coast Ressies Meeting with refreshments, come on down all central coast residents, this will confuse the Americans.
4pm – Tour de Spin Class (bike riding in the gym), nah! Not today
5pm to 7pm - Arcadia Harp Trio plays the ship into dinner. When they play I sit and listen in awe of their musical abilities.
6pm to 8.45pm – Dinner
8.45pm – Live Show a cast of about twenty singers and dancers
10pm – Jammers Night Club opens ALL NIGHT

As well as all of the above there are three pools, six spas’, lots of sun and a live band on deck all day. The Casino is open from 11am till dawn offering “cheap chips” lessons in all forms of gambling and so many coffee lounges you can hide in whenever it all gets overwhelming.

I have missed many other parallel activities but you get the picture, it’s as busy as you can manage or as lazy.  hooroo!

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