Tuesday, May 18, 2010

-2 days Sydney

My passport has been found by the Egyptian Consulate so once again I am good to go. There was much angst during the "lost' period. My new priority is what to pack! Lots of miscellaneous drugs, of the preventative medicinal variety (mostly), and a substantial wardrobe suitable for travel on the continent. Various electronic distractions such as IPOD, phone, Apple MAC, ripped DVD's and I am ready to see the world depending on which movie I watch.

That should do it.


  1. Day TWO at sea and no comments from you yet! Was your hidden alcohol found? Maybe it was and you're both locked up!

  2. For those that don't know, we had to put the trailer on the back of our Nissan patrol to fit ALL of the luggage in!!!!!!!!!!!!! There must have been about 300kg in weight!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So....... looking forward to coming home yet? I hear Herman had a great party last night in the unit! He got $25 for those old chairs you had there ($25 for the lot - not bad).

  4. Hi guys, this is a first for me so go easy on myself using this site. Sarah would like to know where you are on your adventure so she / we can follow you around the wourld on our atlas. (book in the old terms). JB,VB,SB and Leo
