Thursday, July 26, 2012

'Twas the night before sailing

'Twas the night before sailing, when all through the house
Every creature was frantic, even the spouse (though that's not unusual).
The bags were packed and placed by the door with care,
In hopes that cruise day would soon be there.

The passengers now nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of foreign countries danc’d in their heads.

When out on the harbour there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to
the porthole I flew like a flash,
Tore open the brass cleats and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of new-blue waves
Gave the lustre of mid-night to objects in spades.
When, what to my wondering eyes came to cater,
But a stunning white ship, and eight tiny waiters.

With a white bearded captain, so lively and quick,
I feared in a moment it must be
Francesco Schettino, what a hick! (insert own word for more emotive rhyming).
More rapid than dingos’ grabbing a baby, the waiters they came,
and he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now! Deeksheta, now! Darika, now! Padmaj and Vishitan,
On! Chara, On! Chayla, on Durriya and Biliban;
On to the the ship! came the nautical call!
Now sail away! sail away! sail away all!"

The mini bar is stocked and the ice bucket full, complimentary of course. Reynaldo has taken my dress shoes to be cleaned and my dinner suit to be pressed. The sense of guilt at leaving behind my workmates is passing with every swill.

We are away!

Oops no we’re not, courtesy of Captain Schettino, we must go to the mandatory emergency boat stations drill before the ship sails in case we should run aground off the Opera House and need to abandon ship.We had other ideas......

Names are taken to flush out those passengers hiding in their cabins because the colour of the lifejackets doesn’t match their current ensemble. I must admit that I struggle to wear bright orange, as it never appeared in my personal colour pallete analysis. We presented at muster stations, showed our ID cards, and returned to our suite.

As ship life is all about being social we switched off the lights, removed the ice from our glasses, to minimise noise, and sat quietly musing over what grand adventures are soon to be had. The drill will soon be over and..........................

We will be away!


  1. Happy sailing. I suppose you've forgotten us already.

  2. a fading memory but still warm in the heart

  3. Is the Dawn Princess sailing around the Great Barrier Reef yet?

  4. Hey we are almost at Singapore! The sea days are driving me mad!

    1. Grab a frame and do a couple of laps of the decks.
